About me

Writer | Software Engineer | AI enthusiast

Trying to learn and unlearn things, In the World of Computer Science. Highly adaptive and enthusiastic in learning and building products, and loves playing with data.

Competencies 💪🏻: Python , SQL, DS and Algorithms, PL/SQL, Data Science, Web Development, Cloud Computing.

DB's I ♥️ : Snowflake Cloud DW, Mysql, MongoDB.

Cloud tech I Know ☁️ : AWS Cloud

Languages : Java, C , Python, Java Script, SQL

Tools used 🔧: Github, Matillion ETL, Talend ETL, TravisCI, Docker, PostMan.

Positives ⚡ : Hard Working, Confident, Extra Mile Taker, Optimist.

Hobbies 📆 : I am a science and history enthusiast, and loves to watch documentaries, In my free time. if am not on my Laptop I would be surely with my books or Netflix.

The motto of life: The best ability of yourself comes when you are out of comfort zone.

Interests : Distributed Computing that involves Distributed Databases, Distributed Architectures, and Distributed Machine Learning